Monday, January 10, 2011


I had a pretty good weekend as far as food goes. I didn't overeat, I didn't eat junk (and we all know the weekend is pretty much a free pass to eat junk food,) and I didn't obsess. I'm concerned that I may become as obsessed with the changes I'm making as I am with food in general, which I don't want. The goal is not to trade a negative obsession with food for a positive one; that's still an obsession, which I don't need. It's all about the changes, but it's also about not making food such a huge part of my life. I think about food constantly; I need to change that. So this weekend was good in that respect. It was also good because on Sunday I made a conscious decision to actually eat three regular meals, breakfast lunch and dinner. I rarely eat regular meals on weekends. Often I can go to five or six o'clock without even thinking about food. That's not healthy. Saturday I only had two meals; it was my mom who reminded me I need to eat regularly, that I can't get by with just dinner, or just lunch and dinner, or breakfast and dinner, etc.

I also made my chili - 2 cans of tomatoes, can of tomato paste, a small dash of olive oil, onions, smidgen of chili powder (last time I made chili I put in way too much chili powder and damn near blew my face off,) white and red kidney beans, AND, a cup of quinoa. The addition of the quinoa was a genius move, if I do say so myself. I love adding it to meals where I can. The chili was delicious. And easy. Easy is key for me. Which reminds me: I mentioned below that if anyone has any cheap, healthy, and EASY recipes to share please do so. I'm lazy and I don't like cooking.


Melissa said...

I can relate to not wanting to obsess, positive or negative. It's far too easy to turn away from unhealthy obsessions and justify replacing them with healthy ones. It would be nice to figure out a way to live in moderation once and for all, in every area of life. So, if you figure out how to do that, lemme know. ;)

As for the food, I promise you I will send you some wonderful resources for easy, cheap, healthy. You know I gots some resources!

Meef said...

Finally catching up on your blog. Glad you're feeling well/good about things. Keeping positive is great. It's one thing to think about food as a hobby, but to obsess about every little bite/nutrient is too much, so I like that you mention not trading one fixation for another. I mean, we eat multiple times every day so it's impossible NOT to think about food. Making my own food is, I feel, helpful in adding healthy enjoyment to my experience and makes me mindful of what I'm putting in my body. I'm less mindful when there's a bag of chips lying there and 10 mins later I've eaten the whole thing without thinking about it (as compared to when I planned my menu and sit down to enjoy it). I find taking the "should" outta the eating experience also helps, and I try to replace it with "want". As in, I want to enjoy a nice dinner today so how can I achieve that? By making my food from scratch (i try anyway), looking at the colours, smelling the smells, TASTING the food instead of mindlessly putting it in while distracted by TV, email...Basically, being present in the moment. And not feeling that I've failed if I go overboard but instead really thinking about how I felt before/during/after binging; what habits, events, or emotions triggered it? Why did I react to those events in this way? Did binging make me feel numb/good/upset/etc? What helps reduce the frequency of the binge-need? Anyway, hugs and encouragement!